Thinking With your Hands (2016)


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Since 2014 I’ve been involved as a filmmaker with a series of workshops and events, originally organised by Professor Roger Kneebone and his team at Imperial College Hospital (ICCESS), engaging craftspeople, engineers, surgeons and scientists to exchange knowledge and expertise in their practices.

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These remarkable series of engagements have happened at the Art Worker’s Guild, culminating in the event ‘Thinking with your Hands’ in April 2016, which brought together a wide variety of practitioners (including lacemakers, colorectal surgeons, woodworkers, dentists, jewellers and plastic surgeons) to discuss and demonstrate their skills. The event also drew a large audience to discuss the necessities of tactile knowledge as crucial elements of education for the modern world, and as a stand against the current political devaluation of craft in the state curriculum.

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Here are a small selection of the videos I’ve been working on with these teams, which engage with different elements that have been provoked by these workshops and events.


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